Monday, December 14, 2009

Rustic art journals & Organic Beeswax candles 2009

Here are a few of the latest experiments from the studio. The art journals below are tough, sturdy and light weight, and are comprised of hand sewn hemp and rice paper using hemp twine, neatly bound in elk and buffalo hide. Each book contains roughly 70 pages. Some have unique hand drawn prints inside and out, some are left blank and clean, like an empty canvas. Prices range from $25 for the smaller pocket journals to $150 for the larger, more elaborate art journals containing prints and original drawings.

The Organic beeswax candles below are infused with essential oils of Balsam Fir, Shore Pine, Lavender and Lady Carlyle Rose. Some of them are set over kiln dried sand in glass container ware, while others are set in molds, cooled, then accessorized as needed.